
Comment on “scrutinizing predatory journals in pharmacology and calculating their predatory rate”

It was our interest to read Sharma et al.'s article about predatory journals in pharmacology.[1] In a categorical method, the authors assessed the predatory ratio of the pharmacology journals listed in the Beall list. This effort needs to be sanctified and motivated because the predators scattered countless unsound papers that weakened the medical practice.[2]
The critiques concerning the paper are as the followings. First, the authors stated that their criteria for selecting the predatory journals were included in the Beall's list. As it is clear for all, it has not been updated since January 2017.[1] This is a source of bias as predatory publishing is evolving and growing unceasingly. Furthermore, there are several journals and publishers that proved to be legitimate later that were mistakenly enlisted by Beall such as Frontiers and International Journal of Electrochemical Science.[3] The current recommendation is to use Kscien …


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